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"A life completely surrendered to the voice of the King"


Updated: Dec 13, 2020

For the last 7 years I have seen countless women restored to their kids after decades. I have been privileged to lead thousands to Jesus. I have worked along side of an incredible team that I seen come out of jail and walk through deliverance and then become a vessel for deliverance. But in all of that I still have found myself not satisfied. I want more, more of Jesus! I had no idea what it was going to take to get more of Him until recently I was invited to a church service on a Friday night. I was almost to tired to go but I felt the whisper of the Lord drawing me so I went. When I got to the service there was an Evangelist from Texas preaching named Debra George. She was on fire I was glad I pressed through my exhaustion and was obedient to the Lord. At one point in her sermon she listed a group places and states her and her team had done outreach, but all I heard was Philadelphia. Immediately I heard the Lord repeat Philadelphia. He was calling me to go. So after the service I connected with Ms. Debra and she looked at me when I told her the Lord told me to go to Philadelphia and she said "Oh you want to go there?" I said yes that's what He told me:) Ms. George was there for the weekend and we were not going to back that Sunday but I could not stop thinking about Philadelphia. In fact one of my students walked up the day before we went back that Sunday and she said I need to tell you something,,,,she looked at me and said thank you for rescuing me from Philadelphia! I did not know my student had even been there so by the time I got to service that Sunday I was ready to know more about this assignment God had called me too. I had no idea that Ms. George was going to message me the follow couple of days after to tell me the outreach would be in 2 weeks! I didn't have the money to go but I knew God was calling me to go. The next morning $1,000 check came in and I booked my flight! :) We went to the worst heroin district in the nation. It was when I got out f the van and took off running with the team that I knew that I must be completely surrendered to the voice of the King and walking in that level of surrender because then the enemy, even in his own camp was completely defeated. We seen 6 demonized men come at us only to receive Jesus as their savior within minutes and the enemy was sent packing his bags. I saw the first girl receive Christ in the middle of shooting up heroin that I knew that this was the life that God was calling me too! This was the greater level I had been seeking. They say some one dies out there every 5 minutes I literally was reaching for every soul I could possible talk to. You weren't sure if the person in front of you was about to overdose and die, I literally felt like we were ushering them into heaven. But not only are people dying in Philadelphia they are dying all around us. We must be willing to live a life surrender to the voice of the King because the cost is to great not to! His voice must triumph the voice of fear, the voice of comfort, the voice of stagnation, the voice of inadequacy, and all other voices that leave us making excuses why not to follow the one voice that will lead us to victory in every battle!

Sarah Myers ----12/11/20

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