Invitation Ministries was launched one night at 3:00 in the morning from the word of God in Luke 5:31-32 it says,
Jesus heard about it and spoke up and said,
"Who needs a doctor, the healthy or the sick?"
I'm here inviting outsiders, not insiders, an invitation to a changed life, changed inside and out!
After reading that scripture Sarah launch a ministry in her hometown where she sold drugs and was addicted but God had delivered her and placed a burden in her heart! Sarah's heart was to reach the ones that struggled like she did. For 7 years she focused on mainly her hometown until God had her stretch out her reach and now she ministers all through the United States and soon to other countries!

Our vision is to reach the hopeless, lost, and addicted by sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. We seek to build relationship with those who are hopeless and bring them to Christ where they can be forgiven and set free.
We have interviewed 1,980 individuals to go into a program. We have placed over 500 men and women into a program!
We do outreaches in some of the darkest regions in the world. We place 4-6 people a month into a program. We have trained 7 teams how to do outreach and lead 1,000's to Christ.