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Embracing the season to build!


For the past 2 months my kitchen table has looked more like an office desk than a kitchen table. At times I have put the center piece back and the decorations to have a nice dinner but after the dinner I quickly put the decor back in the cabinet. Why, you might ask? Well I realized that in order to go after the dreams that were in my heart, I had to embrace a season of building. I had to understand that in a season of building what was priority was my family, my dreams , my goals, my consistency, and my intimate time with the Lord. Which meant that letting other things go that normally I would want to control.

I recognized that the life I wanted to build, the legacy that I was wanting to go after to leave to my children and on this earth must first come through letting go of control to the Lord. Then embrace the moments that seem like a mess like my kitchen table because they might be the moments you are actually building the life you want.

I said to myself 2 months ago, I know where I want to be in 3 months from now and if sitting down at this kitchen table and embracing this mess of paper work and schedules is what it looks like then here I go!

Be willing to put the decorations away and begin building the life you long for!

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